Shift Left-operaties

Shift Left

Uiterst getalenteerde front- en backline.

Contraste is providing its Service Desk function in a "Shift Left" philosopy. This means that we are operating with a highly skilled Front and Back Line in what is usually called the "First Line".

"Shift Left", means also that we are promoting self-support tools like user portals, chatbots or FAQ's that are allowing users to immediately solve simples incidents like password reset or have standard service requests completed without human intervention at level of the Service Desk.

Contraste is also implementing RPA (Robotic Process Automation) tools to accelerate the execution of repetitive tasks and perform automation of workflows.

The benefits of Shift Left Operations are :

  • Speedier incident and service request resolution
  • Decrease the number of calls/mails at level of the Service Desk by favouring efficient and professional self-support tools
  • Delivering a better end-user/customer experience
  • The better use of scarce technical knowhow and capabilities and improving the skills at level of the Service Desk
  • Allow a better and optimised organisation at floor level of the Service Desk
  • Costs reductions of the global cost per incident or service request

Contraste is also doing technology watch at level of its Infrastructure Management Competence Centre on the rapid evolution of AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools in the domains of Chatbots and RPA.