The client
Bruxelles Formation is the public service organization responsible for professional training for French-speaking people in the Brussels-Capital Region. Whether it involves business-oriented training , the acquisition of a technical or transversal skill, the objective is employment at the end of the training process. In addition, Bruxelles Formation also provides training for already employed workers.

The challenges
There is close and regular collaboration between Bruxelles Formation and enterprises. This is decisive for the future of the people trained. This is why Bruxelles Formation has decided to digitise the process of managing work placements within entrepises, with the aim of giving everyone more visibility, facilitating exchanges and speeding up the processing of cases.
The organisation called upon Contraste Digital to develop a web application that allows :
- Enterprises to easily find trainees matching their criteria
- Bruxelles Formation to ensure an efficient and rapid follow-up of traineeship applications
This application had to meet performance and accuracy criteria as well as high ergonomic requirements.
In this project, Bruxelles Formation placed great emphasis on :
- Listening to the needs of users and working closely with its Business Analyst
- Ergonomics and ease of use of the new application, essential to the adoption of the solution by users.
- The integration with the existing system and the compliance with standards in order to be able, in the long term, to continue the development internally.
The solution
Contraste Digital has developed a customised web application based on the Symphony framework. It offers Bruxelles Formation a real platform for collaboration with enterprises where different profiles have access to dedicated functionalities, to efficiently follow up on requests.
The application offers enterprises numerous functionalities that facilitate the search and the management of candidates:
- Rapid submission of internship applications
- Follow-up of requests and applications
- Access to the applicants database
- Management of company data and contacts

For Bruxelles Formation, the application revolutionises the way in which internships are managed, with a fully digital process:
- Validation of requests for initiatives made by entreprises, and of the proposed educational programmes
- Assignment to the entity request managers to process their validation
- Sending standardised mail and emails
- Queries on the number of traineeship candidates from Bruxelles Formation in different fields who will complete their traineeship in the next 30 days
- Dialogue with entreprises about an application
- View on the status of the cases
- Evaluation of candidates by the pedagogical referents
- Customised statistical reports
The solution developed is integrated with tools used by Bruxelles Formation such as the Corail web service or the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (BCE) to validate or recover data (company number, address, NACE code, etc.).
The results
Bruxelles Formation operates today a fully digital process for managing internship requests. The organisation is thus better able to meet the demand from enterprises and more easily place its trainees for future integration into the business world. The employees of Bruxelles Formation see many benefits, with tasks simplified and completed more quickly.