Digital Workplace

digital workplace integration TDJ

Collaborating, communicating and creating everywhere.

At any time.

Télétravail, flex desk, collaboration internationale ... les nouvelles façons de travailler dans les entreprises amènent les équipes à devoir collaborer de partout, à toute heure, sur tout type d'appareil et surtout en toute sécurité ! Cela exige que les entreprises implémentent des "digital workplaces", c'est-à-dire des environnements de travail moderne, qui permettent d'optimiser la communication et de faciliter les échanges dans les équipes.

TDJ vous accompagne dans les différentes étapes de votre projet de création d'un espace de travail moderne, de la stratégie à la gestion opérationnelle de vos environnements " Workplace " en passant par la réalisation et l'accompagnement au change management.

TDJ s'appuie essentiellement sur la plateforme Microsoft 365 et ses nombreuses applications dont Microsoft Modern workplace.


Laying solid foundations is a prerequisite to the success of your project. TDJ advises on the implementation of your future solution, including both the strategic and operational aspects. What can we do for you?

  • Drafting your roadmap
  • Drawing up your business case
  • User profiling
  • Definition of the architecture & design
  • Change management & adoption by users

Collaboration tools

As a Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider, TDJ supports you in your migration to Microsoft 365 solutions, including O365 (Microsoft Office cloud suite), Active Directory (centralised identification and authentication services) and Windows 10.

We assist you during all stages of the project, from defining the architecture to enhancing security. Change management, migration and support are also part of our range of services designed to ensure a comprehensive, efficient solution.

Device Management

Each of your company’s employees can visit numerous websites, install applications and send personal files, etc. To ensure security and protect your company’s resources and data, it is essential to manage your devices. This enables you to ensure that everyone has secure access to the data that they are authorised to consult.

Thanks to next-generation tools that allow a high level of automation, TDJ manages all of your devices and assists your users at very competitive prices. Our service offering covers, among others, the deployment of Next Gen tools, the integration of tools into your environment, automation, etc.

User Support

What happens if one of your users encounters difficulties using existing solutions? Thanks to our Service Operation Centre and our next-generation tools, we offer an innovative multichannels user support service! We follow-up all requests, whether they are received by email, by telephone, by the support centre, etc and we convert each conversation into a ticket.