The client
Ducomat is a Belgian company specialised in the sale of industrial dust removal equipment and the installation of dust removal systems. Their product range covers more than 4500 references: suction ducts, flexible hoses, elbows, clamps.... Their components are used for all types of activity sectors that require dust removal.

The challenges
Ducomat wanted to start selling its products online in order to boost sales and conquer new markets in Europe. The client already had its first e-commerce website and was buying advertisements on search engines. However, the site did not yet allow Ducomat to reach its acquisition and sales targets. Several points of optimisation were considered: SEO, SEA, user experience, design, content...
Ducomat's wanted redefine its digital strategy to :
- improve the visibility of the e-commerce site;
- acquire qualified traffic;
- reduce the cost of acquisition;
- And, of course, increase sales.
The Solution
Contraste Digital carried out a complete advisory mission and fully redefined the digital strategy for the website. This strategy was broken down into several concrete actions items:
- Audits & Benchmark
- Behavioural analysis
- Natural referencing strategy and positioning monitoring
- Optimisation of online advertising
- Improvement of site ergonomics
- Review of conversion tunnels and customer routes
- Creation of high added value content and functionalities
The digital strategy has also led to the redesign of the site, to improve the user experience, an optimised and simplified conversion tunnel, a modern design and new content.
The results
Thanks to this mission, Ducomat was able to improve its visibility on the web and considerably increase the number of sales on the European market. Some key figures for this project :
- Turnover for online sales has tripled
- The site is referenced on the first page of the search results for 10 strategic keywords for all the targeted countries (France, Belgium, the Netherlands).
- The site's visibility score on search engines has been multiplied by 10.
Regular monitoring of the actions enables this optimisation to be continued and this new visibility to be established over the long term.